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Greg Chew

Wild as the mountains, Greg of Arabia boasts a lineage as colourful as a peacock at a rainbow convention. With a penchant for kissing porcupines and an accomplished windmill jouster, he has never seen a Herculean labour he didn’t like, nor a Kraken he wouldn’t wrestle. A realist with a heart set on liberty but conflicted by his lawful-good coding, Greg has contracted a peculiar variant of Atlas Syndrome. Greg’s goal is the economic liberation of humanity.

  • Barrister, commodities trader, investment banker; despite being qualified and experienced in three great professions, doesn’t practice any of them and instead leads these Merry Men. 
  • Built farming and mining co-operatives in the parts of Africa that trust-fund babies imagine when they talk about ’banking the unbanked’ in the places that only a Hilux Bakkie can get to. 
  • Combines an ability to see the truth with a capacity to narrate a vision for how that truth can be realised. 
  • A polymath of financial markets, regulation, technology and philosophy, Greg leads by example and inspires by deed as much as word.

Ulf Wiger

A veteran battlemage of the Great Telecom Wars, Ulf Wiger has forgotten more about distributed systems and concurrent computing than most experts will ever know. Having transcended Swedish, English and even Erlang, he now dreams in BEAM opcodes. He can cure covid by singing directly in 5G. A wise mentor and terrifying foe, his ability to slice through the Gordian Knot of conflicting system requirements with a simple “we will do this until it no longer works, then we will do something else” is the envy of competitors. 

  • Erlang Greybeard with more than just street cred; he helped pave the street. This is the man who bought the first commercial Erlang license in 1993, then went to work for Ericsson directly later. 
  • Responsible for several of the original go-to open source Erlang projects that are as much a part of the culture as the language itself. 
  • Fascinating work history spanning telecom engineering, project leadership, company foundation, and a wide array of advisory and consulting roles. 
  • Absolutely not an exaggeration to say that he is a living cultural icon within the Erlang and distributed systems communities. 
  • Though he doesn’t actually sing in 5G, he is a legitimately accomplished opera singer and former competitive pole vaulter.

Craig Everett

A former phone phreak turned Green Beret turned hacker, Craig Everett has lived, fought and worked all over the world. Originally from Texas, this cyberspace cowboy now finds himself residing in Japan despite every attempt to escape. A genius of philosophy and code, our Lone Star Samurai has put aside the call of the Ronin. A natural born rebel, he is infamous for noticing obvious things that others go to extreme effort to ignore. Though most of the opportunities to speak English are robbed of it, bold and doesn’t afraid of anything.
  • Serves as our Lord of Product, fusing the practical and the theoretical like a Zen master. 
  • In the world of distributed systems and concurrent programming he is a greybeard in his own rite, responsible for a litany of open source projects. 
  • Has used so many programming languages that he tends to hate them all at least a little bit. 
  • Spends an inordinate amount of time trying to educate new programmers, the Texas Rangers of Erlang.

Peter Santosh

Fuelled by whiskey and fried Mars bars, the Much Toasted Scotsman dedicated his life to learning his own inner maze and then applying that to understanding those around him. His superpowers of psychologic social programming are triggered through a process of deep concentration and frustrating disruptions to that concentration (the ritual form is to yell “Whiskey isn‘t even Scottish!” into his sweat lodge while he is focused intently on the phrase “none but ourselves can free the mind”), manifesting in sudden bursts of deep insight into others and a flood of targeted marketing output to inspire the world to free themselves from mental slavery, because none but ourselves can free our minds. He is also a secret master of the Glaswegian fried pizza, but you will have to overcome his Yogic mantra to know this. Despite his West Indian heritage, Peter has no rhythm. 

  • Expert at market research; our eyes into the world of marketing. 
  • Applies an approach grounded in psychology to locate opportunities that punch well above their weight. 
  • Driven toward promotion of creative, aspirational narrative that transcends mere products and sales. 
  • One of our favorite figures to put on the Q end of a Q/A. His willingness to play this role to help the devs understand the end-user perspective while he gains understanding of the underlying technology has been genuinely invaluable. 

    Dimitar Ivanov

    A swashbuckling hacker from the shores of the Black Sea, Dimitar Ivanov is a master puzzle solver and remarkably determined developer. Though he escaped the clutches of the Soviet Union at a young age, his roots in that world give him a special superpower that enables a high degree of enthusiasm even for jobs that seem hopelessly underspecified, terrifyingly tedious or even simply impossible. When he is given a job with even the slimmest margins of success, however, this reformed capitalist oppressor goes into overdrive! Nothing can stop him from overachieving. His ability to translate and explain in plain terms even the most vulgar of East European insults in plain, polite language reveals a warm, caring person underneath his fiery exterior.
    • A polyglot programmer with experience in a variety of industries. 
    • A mind for detail and amazing ability to recall tricky locations in code. 
    • One of the most knowledgable blockchain experts in the world with regard to how various implementations across the industry work. 
    • A moral anchor for the team, having made personal sacrifices on several occasions to keep everyone together when times were tough. 
    • Hands down one of the best people in the world to spitball tricky, inherently complicated ideas with (how helpful this is cannot be overstated). 
    • Claims to not actually play the guitar, but nobody believes that.

    Peter Harpending

    A master of the hidden world revealed by mathematics, Peter is an N- dimensional being who chooses to appear to us as a bald man with a love of steak, salad, jiu-jutsu, guns and whiskey. Though the details are shrouded in mystery, it is evident that at some point in the past he lost a bet with Craig regarding Fate and as a penalty was forced to write entire worlds of code in JavaScript, the language itself being a bit of cosmic satire. An outspoken Wildbergian and Entropist. 

    • Though a mathematician by training, he has become a remarkably adept programmer. 
    • Responsible for the only competing, independent implementations of a raft of cryptographic and encoding libraries in a variety of languages. 
    • Having identified that there are security concerns in browser plugin wallets, he coded the only existing standalone browser wallet that has no external dependencies so that he could explore the base operating case in the context of wallet operations in the context of browsers. 
    • The author of the libraries behind QPQ’s mobile wallet. 
    • Has a fast wit drier than the high desert in Arizona. 
    • Aside from beating people up, hobbies include reworking the mistaken mathematical foundations that led us to a fake conception of numbers.
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